Founded in September 2007, DIGIMIMIC sells and develops GaAs, InP, SiGe and RF CMOS products for frequencies up to 52.5GHz. Digimimic initial goal was to sell and support some iTerra ( then Gigoptix, GigPeak and lastly merged into IDT) dismissed digital and analog parts as well as to expand the portfolio functionality with new designs. Digimimic is developing a family of SiGe based MMIC for beamforming Application in the 8GHz to 15 GHz Bandwidth as well as in the 47.2 to 52.5 GHz V-band. Direct conversion quadrature modulator and demodulator (respectively in L-Q and V band) are also part of Digimimic portfolio


13GHz, GaAs, by 2 and by 4 simultaneous clock divider


Low Power 13Gbps InP DFF.


3 channel BB-IF to RF L-Band Up-converter

A family of L-BAND RF products, completes Digimimic product portfolio:

See our Products and Services sections to have more details.
DIGIMIMIC Flexibility Program: discover the advantages


3Q 2024: Digimimic announces:

  • DM5051 VBand  47.4 GHz to 52.5 GHz 6 bits Phase Shifter with 5 bits VGA  MMIC

1Q/2Q 2025: Digimimic announces:

  • DM5051 VBand  47.4 GHz to 52.5 GHz 6 bits Phase Shifter with 5 bits VGA,  One input Four outputs MMIC